EARTH 2050 


Of course, due to the sun dying out, the issues of the world all changed. Most governments stayed the same as they were prior to 2010 and did their best to deal with what people needed. First and foremost was the concerns of the people. Because they had little to no shelter, almost all homeless people and people in impoverished countries died due to hypothermia or some other sickness. This, unfortunately, skewed the social classes, almost wiping out the lower class for a period of time. However, the classes soon redefined themselves because people had to spend so much money on heating their houses, making the former middle class the new lower class and the former upper class the new middle class.

This is because, at first, there was a panic and the cost to heat one's house was extremely high. However, the system of supply and demand has since taken over and the cost is no more expensive than it was before 2010. People have also adapted significantly to this cold weather and don't need as much heat as before. The governments did much to help this by trying to regulate the cost of heating. Also, the governments created plant shelters, which is where crops are now grown because they cannot grow outside in the cold. The governments now do what they can and communicate with each other more to ensure that life returns to a somewhat normal state. Also, because of this crisis, there is less tension between countries and a lot less violence. First and foremost in every leader's mind is to help it's citizens and get that help from wherever possible, even countries that it was formerly enemies with.