EARTH 2050 


Once the sun burnt out, the forward movement of science actually came to a halt for quite a while. However, because there were new problems, there were new solutions. Science was then able to take great forward strides and came up with many new inventions. Some of the greatest inventions came in the fields of agriculture, transportation, and electric heating.

One example of this would be the new and improved street lights on every street corner. These lights not only keep whole blocks lit, but they also give off enough heat to come close to melting the top of layer of the permanent snow on the ground. These lamps are also similar to those used in the plant houses. However, the ones in the plant houses are fomulated to be like the sun's rays and give off nutrients that the plants can use to grow. In transportation, this kind of heat and electricity combination was also harnessed to create small hover cars. Though these cars could only fly about five feet off of the ground, that was better than walking through all of the snow constantly.