EARTH 2050 


All of these new elements of the culture after the sun burnt out merged to create a new set of values for people. People still valued the same old things such as family and money and everything else, but there were many new things that people valued. For instance, technology is valued way more now than it was then. The technologies that came out right after the sun died made it vital for people to survive, so many more people focus on that and try to get jobs and start careers in technological fields so that they can help other people.

Agriculture is also highly valued. When agriculture was simple and easy, it wasn't valued as much because it wasn't as appreciated. Now, however, cultivating crops and raising animals is one of the hardest things to do, and these new age "farmers" are some of the highest paid workers in the world.

Most other values stayed relatively similar before and after the sun died. This meant that most of the laws, folkways, and mores were pretty similar too. It is still illegal to kill someone, and you're still weird if you run around shouting out gibberish. However, one thing that definately changed was clothes. It became standard to wear heavier warmer clothes all of the time.